Staying healthy to be indispensable for the long-term

A physical therapist's perspective


  • Scott J. Uhlenhake P. T. Services, Inc., Minster, OH 45865



bovine veterinarian, injury prevention, bovine palpation, birthing calves


Bovine veterinarians must perform very physically challenging tasks, and often disregard simple injury prevention techniques due to such things as a lack of knowledge, prioritizing the animals over themselves, and/ or not taking the time to consider options. Applying basic principles of body mechanics while performing essential duties could assist with decreasing stress on their bodies and prevent or at least delay the onset of pain or other symptoms. Additional knowledge regarding topics such as good posture, sleep positioning, and basic orthopedic care, including stretching, could improve the health of the veterinarian, allowing them to continue providing veterinary care while also being able to participate with activities outside of work as desired. A physical therapist spent significant time with a group of bovine veterinarians providing individual examinations and observing job tasks in a wide range of environments. To be indispensable for the long-term, bovine veterinarians must become more aware of HUMAN injury prevention and treatment options for themselves.






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