Feedlot Management


  • Lawrence Smith Lodi, Wisconsin


Our practice is a four-man mixed practice. It involves feedlots, dairy and small animals, but today I am going to talk-just about the feedlot portion. It is only about 20% of our practice and there are two types: one is the dairy farmer who is milking 40 or 50 cows and he is feeding out his own steer calves that he is raising and also 16 purchased another 50 to 100 steers to go along with them and he is putting them into the feedlot next to the dairy cows. I know veterinarians in Wisconsin and the Midwest are seeing more of this all the time as the value of these feeder calves keep going up in price. The second type of feedlot belongs to the client who purchased all the calves as feeders and he is in a true feeding operation-he is not milking any cows.






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