Liability Insurance


  • Jack Dinsmore


What I would like to tell you today is that after two or three years of work we now have a data bank situation in practice with the computer program. We are going to stockpile information about our practice claims, not only beginning in the year 1973 which will be the current year, but back to the year 1968. I do not think we will go back any further because of the nature of the files that were in existence at that time. I do not believe it is necessary either, but the fact that we will have five years within the program. Starting currently with 1973, we are going to have information available to the profession that we will be keeping in front of you from now on and as long as anybody can work with the program. This will be a means, of course, to gain a large degree of total experience based on the participation of the veterinarians that we have in the program and this is what we are looking forward to in many, many ways. I can only give you summarily the areas which this computer program is going to cover. Not only is it going to define the claim itself and all the information that is in it; we are interested in the animal owner, his livestock profession, we are interested in the animal involved, the cause of the claim. We have an area within the liability and malpractice insurance program which has to do with human injury. The computer program can define human injury and the person who is involved; the age of this person and the incident that caused it beyond the consideration that is given to the animal and to the human that might be involved. We have the veterinarian included in this, after all, he was the person the claim was placed against. We also have an area for comments. We have a complete area of surgical, medical and drug usage within this computer program so that we can pinpoint problems as they arise.






Approach to Practice Concepts