Cow Calf Industry


  • Frank S. Morfett Billy, Texas


The topic of this paper should probably be titled "The Cow Calf Industry, The Most Inefficient Food Animal Production Unit Known to Man."

Who is to blame? Environmental conditions? Ranch managers? Governmental agencies? Lack of research? Our veterinary colleges? Feed and drug salesmen? The ranchers themselves? Loopholes in our income tax structure? Our own veterinary code of ethics? Various cattlemen's associations?

Anyone or all of the above can be looked upon as obstacles, or as challenges to be overcome by the aggressive practitioner who is willing to realize his obligation, not only to his client, but to feeding the ever-increasing population of the world. The veterinary food animal specialist must learn how to use the above mentioned obstacles to his advantage rather than blame them for his shortcomings. While there is a definite increase in the interest of so-called herd health programming in the beef cattle industry-I have yet to find anything published which deals with a comprehensive study aimed at long-range programming of management, range conditions, nutritional requirements, reproduction, disease control, animal identification and selection, physical layout and last, but definitely not least, marketing.






General Session: Current Topics that May Change your Practice