International Movement of Bovine Genes

Current Status of Importation and Exportation Regulations


  • David E. Barlett Vice President, Production, American Breeders Service, De Forest, Wisconsin


Despite the fact that the title-subject may be of immediate interest to only a limited number of bovine practitioners, its. implication to this country's cattle population and to the cattle industry has been/will continue to be of major significance. Numerous factors, influences, and interests-scientific, economic, and business, mostly business-have been woven together to create, presently, an importance to international movement of cattle genes that is without precedent. Live animals for reproduction and production and frozen semen for insemination of indigenous females are principally involved. Inter-continental transport of implanted fertilized ova, representing desired genes, carried within the uteri of indifferent, recipient females, is being accomplished. Scientists are actively researching improvement of techniques for the preservation by freezing of fertilized bovine eggs.






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