Physiologic parameters to predict milk yield following clinical mastitis in dairy cattle


  • D. A. Moore Department of Veterinary Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 115 Henning Building, University Park PA, U.S.A. 16802
  • W. M. Sischo Department of Veterinary Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 115 Henning Building, University Park PA, U.S.A. 16802
  • J. C. Fedon Department of Veterinary Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 115 Henning Building, University Park PA, U.S.A. 16802



coliform mastitis, gram positive mastitis, liver cell damage, white blood cell counts, packed cell volume, production outcome, physiologic parameters


A cohort study was designed to evaluate the physiologic response of cows to naturally occurring coliform mastitis. In particular, the study was directed to determine: 1) the association of coliform (E. Coli and Klebsiella sp.) and gram positive (coagulase negative Staphylococcus and Streptococcus nonagalactiae) mastitis and subsequent liver cell damage by measuring serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), 2) the effect of coliform and gram positive mastitis on peripheral blood white blood cell counts (WBC) and packed cell volume (PCV), and 3) the value of physiologic parameters to predict the production outcome of a case of clinical mastitis.






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