Haemato-Biochemical, Surface Ultrascopy and Therapeutic Studies on Puerperal Haemoglobinuria in Dairy Animals
Post-parturient haemoglobinuria, haemolytic disease, parturition, pregnancy, haemato-biochemical alterations, copper glycinate, erythrocytes, parenteral infusionAbstract
Post-parturient haemoglobinuria (PPH) also referred as nutritional haemoglobinuria is an acute haemolytic disease of high producing dairy animals observed mostly in advanced pregnancy or within a month after parturition. The disease is of major economic significance due to loss of milk production and high mortality rate. In India, the disease has been reported in buffaloes and the line of treatment advocated by various workers comprised of parenteral administration of sodium acid phosphate, ascorbic acid, antifibrinolytic agents and oral medication of copper sulphate with variable results1,2,3. The present study reports the results of haemato-biochemical alterations and the comparative efficacy of parenteral infusion of copper glycinate in haemoglobinuric cows and buffaloes. Scanning electron microscopic studies of erythrocytes were also conducted to record morphological changes .