Conducting Field Trials in Your Practice

The ABC's of Getting Involved


  • Roger L. Saltman Cazenovia, NY 13035



dairy veterinarian, professional roles, field trials


In recent years, there has been a continuing evolution in the professional roles assumed by the practicing dairy veterinarian. Decreasing cow and dairy farm numbers, as well as the increasing needs and expectations of remaining dairymen, have necessitated a broader involvement of the veterinarian in all aspects of the dairy operation. This approach, popularly known as Dairy Production Medicine, has been wholly embraced as a practice "modus operandi" by a growing number of dairy veterinarians and, even more commonly, most dairy practices incorporate at least some aspects of this practice philosophy in their services. While the list of potential services offered in a Dairy Production Medicine practice can be quite lengthy (e.g., ration formulation, performance records analysis, financial records analysis, milking equipment evaluation/mastitis prevention program, heifer raising evaluation, personnel training and management, sick cow treatment, etc.), it is the purpose of this paper to describe (albeit briefly due to time constraints) yet another service that could be included in a comprehensive Dairy Production Medicine program... the conducting of field trials on client dairies.






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