The Consultant's Role in Feedlot Practice


  • Alvin J. Edwards



professional consultants, feedlot industry, veterinarians


The feedlot industry has made dramatic changes over the past ten years. Far greater numbers of cattle are being fed in areas where few cattle grazed some years ago. Many of these cattle are hauled great distances
to arrive at feedlots and fed rations that are totally foreign to their ruminant digestion systems, exposed to conditions and infective agents totally foreign to their systems, and thus present problems to their owners that are quite unlike any problems that may exist in the local cattle population. This whole phenomenon illustrates some of the problems that exist today between practicing veterinarians and the feedlot industry. For a busy
practitioner, many of these changes may come about so subtly that it is very difficult to realize that a change has taken place. The rapid expansion of the feedlot industry that was experienced in the early 1970's left many veterinarians very confused as to what interest to take in the industry.

Professional consultants can make a very worthwhile contribution to a progressive feedlot industry. It seems that one of the big challenges facing the veterinary consultant is acceptance by the veterinary profession and then keeping qualified to provide sound advice for the industry. The adaptability the veterinarian has exhibited in the past is good evidence that the same "ability to adjust to the situation" will prevail with the veterinarian and the feedlot industry.






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