Developing treatment protocols


  • Katie J. Mrdutt Food Armor® Foundation, 4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Madison, WI 53718


treatment protocols, compliance, oversight, drug use, Food Armor®


 The Food Armor® HACCP for Proper Drug Use program is a 6-section program for implementing HACCP for proper drug use plans on our nation's dairy farms. The 6 sections include (1) proactively assigning roles and responsibilities between all members of the VCPR team, (2) creating a farm-specific drug list which includes all drugs on the farm and defines exactly how each drug will be used in specific situations or management groups, (3) developing treatment plans for commonly occurring, easily recognizable conditions, (4) precisely defining procedures for animal care, including animal identification, residue avoidance, drug administration, and euthanasia, (5) ensuring a recording method which includes a treatment log for every treatment and a permanent medical history for every animal, and (6) establishing a continuous monitoring plan of drug use hazards and identification of potential improvements to the animal care plan. The focus of these proceedings is on the creation, implementation, and oversight of on-farm treatment protocols.






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