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  • Cover image of the 27th Conference Proceedings: A photo of Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Woelffer. Mrs. Woelffer is holding a statue of a bull. White background.


    Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. September 22-25, 1994. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams
    Publisher: Frontier Printers, Inc.

  • Cover image of the 26th Conference Proceedings: A photo of the Albuquerque skyline during midday. In the foreground are skyscrapers, the scene is dotted with trees and scrub land, and a mountain rises behind the city. Yellow background.


    Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. September 16-19, 1993. Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams
    Publisher: Frontier Printers, Inc.

  • Cover image of the First Volume of the 25th Conference Proceedings: An earl-morning photo of farmland. A small farm is nestled among rolling hills, fields stretching across a curving road that disappears between dark green trees. The barn is a cheery red color with a tin roof. Beneath the photo is the a statement of the conference's theme in white italics: Challenges of the Bovine Industry in the Twenty-First Century. Deep red background.

    1992: Volume 1

    First Volume of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. August 31- September 4, 1992. St. Paul, Minnesota.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams
    Publisher: Frontier Printers, Inc.

  • Cover image of the Second Volume of the 25th Conference Proceedings: An earl-morning photo of farmland. A small farm is nestled among rolling hills, fields stretching across a curving road that disappears between dark green trees. The barn is a cheery red color with a tin roof. Beneath the photo is the a statement of the conference's theme in white italics: Challenges of the Bovine Industry in the Twenty-First Century. Deep red background.

    1992: Volume 2

    The Second Volume of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. August 31- September 4, 1992. St. Paul, Minnesota.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams
    Publisher: Frontier Printers, Inc.

  • Cover image of the Third Volume of the 25th Conference Proceedings: An earl-morning photo of farmland. A small farm is nestled among rolling hills, fields stretching across a curving road that disappears between dark green trees. The barn is a cheery red color with a tin roof. Beneath the photo is the a statement of the conference's theme in white italics: Challenges of the Bovine Industry in the Twenty-First Century. Deep red background.

    1992: Volume 3

    The Third Volume of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. August 31- September 4, 1992. St. Paul, Minnesota.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams
    Publisher: Frontier Printers, Inc.

  • Cover image of the First Volume of the 25th Conference Proceedings: An earl-morning photo of farmland. A small farm is nestled among rolling hills, fields stretching across a curving road that disappears between dark green trees. The barn is a cheery red color with a tin roof. Beneath the photo is the a statement of the conference's theme in white italics: Challenges of the Bovine Industry in the Twenty-First Century. Deep red background.

    1992: Post-Convention Proceedings

    The Post-Convention Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. August 31- September 4, 1992. St. Paul, Minnesota.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams
    Publisher: Frontier Printers, Inc.

  • Cover image of the 24th Conference Proceedings: A herd of cattle stand in a green field beneath two palm trees. In the foreground is a mother cow, resting her head on the back of her calf, who is nestled against her side. Beneath the photo is the conference theme, written in black italics: Go For The Magic In Orlando. Light blue background.


    Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. September 18-21, 1991. Orlando, Florida.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams

  • Cover image of the 23rd Conference Proceedings: A crowd is gathered around Indianapolis' Veterans Memorial Plaza in spring. The majority of the crowd is centered around an obelisk, while the subjects in the foreground are busy examining the white, red, and yellow flowers planted around the memorial. The conference's theme is displayed along the left hand side of the image in italics: Team Up in Indy.


    Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. September 13-16, 1990. Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams

  • Cover image of the 22nd Conference Proceedings: it is the golden hour of the evening and a herd of cattle stand in an orange-tinted field, gazing lazily at the photographer.


    Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. November 14-17, 1989. Kansas City, Missouri.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams

  • Cover image of the Proceedings of the 21st Annual Convention: Cover image is a photo of cattle grazing alongside a river with pine trees and a mountain range in the background. Journal title is written in the upper left corner and conference information in the lower right.


    Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. September 28-October 1, 1988. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams

  • Cover image of the 20th Conference Proceedings: a photo of a saguaro cactus silhouetted against an amber sunset.


    Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. November 10-13, 1987. Pheonix, Arizona.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams

  • Cover image of the 20th Conference Proceedings: a herd of cattle grazing on a green, grassy knoll. Half the herd are lying down, enjoying the bright afternoon sunshine.


    Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. November 18-21, 1986. Louisville, Kentucky.

    Editor: Eric I. Williams

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