Country of Origin Labeling and National Animal Identification System
How Will Veterinarians and Their Clients Be Affected?
Country Of Origin Labeling, animal health, disease surveillance, animal identification requirements, recordkeeping, management protocolAbstract
Country Of Origin Labeling (COOL) is an industry driven marketing initiative to distinguish meat products produced from animals born, raised and processed in the US from products imported from foreign countries.
The National Animal Identification System is an industry/government driven animal health initiative to establish a standardized national animal identification system to enhance animal disease surveillance, monitoring, control and eradication in the United States.
They are two separate initiatives addressing two separate issues in the livestock industry. However, they do have two common components under discussion:
• voluntary vs. mandatory
• animal identification requirements
As the two proposals evolve, veterinarians and producers will have increased opportunity to develop / expand the veterinarian - client relationship because of the improved recordkeeping, management protocol, identification requirements and reporting of animal movements associated with both initiatives.