Feedlot Engineering & Design


  • Gerald R. Bodman Extension Agricultural Engineer--Livestock Systems, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, 215 L.W. Chase Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583-0726




feedlot design, subsystems, treatment, feeding, feed storage, water supply, manure management, total system design


Functional feedlot design requires integration of multiple elements to form a complete system. Planning is facilitated by combining those elements into specific subsystems. The list of subsystems will vary between designers but I generally use the following list: 1) cattle handling and treatment; 2) cattle feeding; 3) water supply and distribution; 4) feed storage, processing, transport and delivery; 5) manure management and runoff control: 6) vehicle traffic; 7) cattle shelter, if desired; 8) wind control; 9) snow management; 10) lighting: and 11) personnel. Each subsystem must be designed giving consideration to function, cost. relationship to and integration with the overall system. manageability and--above all--safety for both personnel and livestock.

This paper is not a complete designer's "how to" treatise. My purpose is to provide an overview of some hasic and important aspects of feedlot design to create an enhanced awareness of the importance of total system design. The paper is complementary to others being presented at the conference and to the listed references addressing specific topics






Feedlot Sessions