Evaluating Herd Reproductive Status
reproductive performance, dairy clients, health programs, DairyCHAMPAbstract
The realization that herd reproductive performance limits herd production and profits has made reproductive herd health programs increasingly popular with dairy clients for the last 25 years. We must ensure that reproductive health programs continue to contribute to farm profits. To do this we must continually measure and monitor herd reproductive performance. Many indices of reproductive performance have been described, so it may be difficult and confusing to decide which indices to use and how to use them.
This paper describes relationships between reproductive performance, production and farm incomes. It considers some indices of reproduction and how they are used to monitor herd reproductive performance to keep it profitable. To provide a benchmark for normal values of these indices, average 1984 / 5 indices for 21 typical Minnesota and Wisconsin herds are presented. These herds had used the DairyCHAMP Computerized Health and Management Program for a sufficient time to allow a correct analysis in 1986.