The “how and why” of assessing micronutrient levels in beef cow-calf systems


  • Dave Rethorst Beef Health Solutions



Matching the nutritional resources of protein, energy, miner­als, trace minerals and vitamins to requirements of the beef cow at various times of the year is likely the most challenging aspect of meeting the production goals in a cow-calf production system. While each system will have different goals, commonly accepted goals are 95% of females pregnant in 60 days, 65% of the cows calving in the first 21 days, and a 90 % weaned calf crop based on number of cows exposed.18 If goals are not being met, the obvious question is “why?” and a careful evaluation of the entire system should be undertaken as many times these problems are multifactorial. It is not uncommon to find nutri­tion playing a significant role in these problems whether they be reproductive, neonatal health or weaning health (Figure 1).


