Trace Elements and Vitamins for Dry Cows


  • William S. Swecker, Jr. VA-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0442


Trace element, vitamin nutrition, Dry cow programs, forage, body condition, feeding management


Trace element and vitamin nutrition for dry cows tends to be ignored unless a problem exits. Mastitis, retained placentas, metritis, milk fever, ketosis, lipidosis, and impaired immune function have been associated with trace element/ vitamin deficiencies or supplementation of trace elements/ vitamins in the dry period has decreased the occurrence of some of these abnormalities. Dry cow programs, however, can vary from a forage alone process to separate TMR programs for the early and late (transition) dry periods and cows may be grouped by body condition at dry off or by parity. The requirements from NRC (Table 1) show that requirements for all trace elements and vitamins for the dry cow are similar to requirements for the lactating cow. A three step process can be utilized to assess the trace element/ vitamin nutrition program for dry cows: 1) Assess the animal, 2) Assess the feeds, and 3) Assess the feeding management.

Author Biography

William S. Swecker, Jr., VA-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0442

Production Management Medicine






Dairy Sessions