Bovine Reproductive Failure Associated with Ureaplasma Diversum
ureaplasma, ureaplasma diversum, nonpathogenic microflora, bovine reproductive failureAbstract
Ureaplasmas are part of the group of microorganisms designated the Mycoplasmatales, more often simply referred to as the mycoplasmas. Thus far, eleven ureaplasma serotypes have been serologically identified and appear distinct from the eight serotypes of Ureaplasma urealyticum isolated from humans. For this reason, a new name Ureaplasma diversum has been proposed for the bovine isolates. Ureaplasmas were considered for many years to be part of the nonpathogenic microflora of the lower reproductive tract. More recent studies have demonstrated an association between Ureaplasma and disease, and it is now apparent that Ureaplasmas may play a more important role in bovine reproductive failure than had previously been recognized.