Preventive medicine and mastitis
bovine mastitis, control, cows, Disease control, female genital diseases, mastitis, therapyAbstract
The following preventive measures for controlling bovine mastitis are discussed: teat dipping after milking; dry period treatment; maintenance of the milking machine; backflushing of teatcups; and culling infected cows. The role of the veterinarian in mastitis control is also outlined. Finally, the author summarizes results of the mastitis control programme carried out on the herds at the University of Melbourne. Tabulated data illustrate the quarter infection rate at drying-off in 7 herds over 6 yr. It has been estimated that there can be a net gain of $13.9/cow for a 20% reduction in quarter infection rate. Implications of these results are discussed.
Paper presented to the AABP 6th Annual Convention, Fort Worth, Texas, December 1973.