Digestive disorders following obstruction of flow of ingesta through the abomasum and small intestine


  • H. J. Breukink Department of Large Animal Medicine, Veterinary Faculty, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Yalelaan 10
  • R. Kuiper Department of Large Animal Medicine, Veterinary Faculty, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Yalelaan 10




case reports, cattle diseases, digestive disorders, Digestive system diseases, Fluid therapy, mechanics, stenosis


It has been known for quite a while that several forms of indigestion in the ruminant are associated with dehydration, depression, an overvilled rumen fluctuating upon punching and a decreased or absent faeces production. In the blood of these cows there is a hypochloremic, hypokalemic, metabolic alkalosis, an increased hematocrit and a more or less severe uremia. In the well advanced cases, the diagnosis posterior functional gastric stenosis or functional pyloric stenosis is made, but when a thorough clinical examination is performed the same syndrome or part of it can be recognized in cows with other lesions of the gastro-intestinal tract. It is important to recognize the syndrome because the disturbances of water and electrolyte balance as a consequence of this stenosis may be seriously complicating the condition and treatment, although the primary cause can be treated without problems.




How to Cite

Breukink, H. J., & Kuiper, R. (1980). Digestive disorders following obstruction of flow of ingesta through the abomasum and small intestine. The Bovine Practitioner, 1980(15), 139–143. https://doi.org/10.21423/bovine-vol1980no15p139-143


