A Blueprint for the implementation of a dairy herd health scheme


  • T. R. Wassell Department of Grassland & Ruminant Science, Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, Ayr, Scotland




cows, dairy cows, dairy herds, data collection, disease control, disease prevention, guidelines, monitoring, veterinary practice, veterinary services


Herd health schemes have had a slow uptake by both the dairy farmer and the veterinary surgeon. A few attempts have been made over the last twenty years to increase veterinary and farmer awareness of this approach to preventative medicine, but unfortunately these have had little long term impact. Most of the academic research into the use of herd health schemes has concentrated on the development of computerized recording schemes rather than the logistics of setting up and operating such schemes. This paper reviews findings of the problems of adoption and diffusion herd health schemes have had in the dairy farming community in the United Kingdom. The aim of the research was to identify the principal problems associated with such schemes, and to develop a strategy for implementing and running a scheme. The process was carried out in two stages, firstly by looking at the veterinary profession's approach and attitudes towards herd health schemes, and secondly, comparing these with the dairy farmers own approach and attitudes. This paper puts forward eleven main points the veterinarian should address when setting up and operating a herd health scheme.

Author Biography

T. R. Wassell, Department of Grassland & Ruminant Science, Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, Ayr, Scotland

Herd health schemes have had a slow uptake by both the dairy farmer and the veterinary surgeon. A few attempts have been made over the last twenty years to increase veterinary and farmer awareness of this approach to preventative medicine, but unfortunately these have had little long term impact. Most of the academic research into the use of herd health schemes has concentrated on the development of computerized recording schemes rather than the logistics of setting up and operating such schemes.

This paper reviews findings of the problems of adoption and diffusion herd health schemes have had in the dairy farming community in the United Kingdom. The aim of the research was to identify the principal problems associated with such schemes, and to develop a strategy for implementing and running a scheme. The process was carried out in two stages, firstly by looking at the veterinary profession's approach and attitudes towards herd health schemes, and secondly, comparing these with the dairy farmer's own approach and attitudes. This paper puts forward eleven main points the veterinarian should address when setting up and operating a herd health scheme.




How to Cite

Wassell, T. R. (1995). A Blueprint for the implementation of a dairy herd health scheme. The Bovine Practitioner, 1995(29), 24–29. https://doi.org/10.21423/bovine-vol1995no29p24-29


