Occurrence of Hypotrichosis in Polled Hereford Cattle


  • T. A. Olson Animal Science Department, University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611
  • D. D. Hargrove Animal Science Department, University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611
  • H. W. Leipold Department of Pathology, Kansas State, University Manhattan, Kansas 66506




abnormalities, cattle diseases, hereditary diseases, hypotrichosis, inheritance


Six cases of hypotrichosis were observed in a herd of Polled Hereford cattle. Five were in calves born in the herd in the 1984 and 1985 calving seasons and the sixth was a mature cow that had been purchased. Both male and female calves were affected by the condition characterized by curly hair over all or parts of the body, a deficiency of hair in the switch, and hair loss on the poll, brisket, neck, and legs of some affected animals. Some affected calves were a much lighter than normal colour at birth. Hair follicles were characterized by abnormally large trichohyalin granules. Five of the six affected animals were from sires and dams that both descended from a common sire. The sire of the sixth affected animal also descended from the same common sire.




How to Cite

Olson, T. A., Hargrove, D. D., & Leipold, H. W. (1985). Occurrence of Hypotrichosis in Polled Hereford Cattle. The Bovine Practitioner, 1985(20), 4–8. https://doi.org/10.21423/bovine-vol1985no20p4-8




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