Conducting successful on-farm clinical trials


  • Michael Capel Perry Veterinary Clinic, Perry, NY 14530



clinical trials, dairy, design, research


One of the greatest values we can bring to our clients is informa­tion and the ability to apply that information to their farm busi­ness for the improvement of the lives of their cattle and employ­ees, and their financial well-being. Our knowledge base comes from a variety of sources, each with their own strengths and limitations. Scientific literature, presentations at professional meetings, our own clinical observations, and networking with colleagues provide the source for most of our knowledge base. When we are unable to find answers, on farm clinical trials can serve as an immensely valuable resource. Conducted properly, this tool can provide timely, targeted and specific answers to im­portant questions. However, caution is necessary before embark­ing on this journey. It is important to remember that trials are very involved, time consuming and a great deal of work. Failure to properly design, execute and interpret data from an on-farm trial can be frustrating, expensive and detrimental to the farm. On farm trials represent a great opportunity for veterinarians to provide valuable information to their clients but should be con­ducted with great planning and oversight.




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