Ileus and Subileus in the young bovine animal
calves, gastrointestinal tractAbstract
Forms of ileus and subileus occurring in the calf are predominantly as in the adult bovine animal, but there are certain differences in the younger animal concerning aetiology and pathogenesis of digestive tract obstruction as well as incidence, clinical appearance, diagnosis and therapy. In addition, types of ileus not yet observed in the adult ruminant occur in the young animal.
The differences mentioned could be due to, firstly, the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of the young animal is in the process of development and differs, sometimes considerably, from that of the adult as regards anatomy, topography and function. In addition, the specific symptoms appear to be influenced by the comparatively lower sensitivity to pain of younger individuals. As yet, this branch of buiatrics has on the whole not been closely studied; however, some communications concerning certain ileus forms are available.
The following review is of necessity restricted to the depiction of some characteristic aspects, due to the multiplicity of possible tract obstructions and the space available.