Ulceration, dilatation and incarceration of the abomasum in calves
Clinical investigations and experiences
calf, abomasum, clinically inapparent/apparent abomasal lesions, perforating abomasal ulcer, abomasal incarceration in umbilical hernia, dilatation of the abomasumAbstract
Abomasal ulcer: After a short report on clinical investigations on the diagnosis of clinically inapparent abomasal lesions, results of an evaluation of 118 calves with clinically apparent abomasal ulcerations are reported: anamnestic data, diagnosis of bleeding ulcers, types of perforating ulcers and consequences, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis, and conclusions. Incarceration of the abomasium in an umbilical hernia: Incidence, symptoms, haemuatological changes, diagnosis and treatment of the disease are described on the basis of the experiences obtained in several cases. Dilatation of the abomasum: the forms of abomasal dilatation without displacement are discussed.