Diagnosis and surgery of displacement of the abomasum in dairy cows in Slovenia
abomasum, disease prevalence, displacement, prognosis, stomach diseases, surgeryAbstract
At the Clinic for Ruminants the authors have used, besides the standard examination method, also the method of combined percussion and auscultation of the abdomen. By this diagnostic aid at the left or the right side of the abdomen they could very successfully detect and localize a variously large, ovally-shaped area emitting a characteristic, sharp, metallic sound, the so-called "ping" caused by the abomasal displacement. From 1981 -1993, twenty-nine cases of left and eighteen cases of right sided "ping" were encountered. In most cases surgery proved successful. In surgical corrections of left side displacement of the abomasum and afterwards also the right one, the authors sutured and thus fixed the omentum using Haupter PSV silk ribbon. The method is fast, simple and reliable.